Publications Translation

The Great Nowitzki

I translated Thomas Pletzinger’s biography of Dirk Nowitzki for Norton.

All the hours in the gym, all the defeats and victories, all the stories and memories – it takes an author like Thomas Pletzinger to find the right words for my world and my game. I couldn’t have wished for a better one.” Dirk Nowitzki

Publications Translation

The Between Language

I translated Michèle Métail’s The Between Language for the Berliner Rede zur Poesie.

Publications Translation

Outcome of an Isolation

I translated Johannes Jansen’s Outcome of an Isolation for the Berliner Rede zur Poesie.


Dinge und Dialoge

I translated text for this catalogue published by Saprophyt

Publications Translation

A Poem is What it Does

I translated Elke Erb for the Berliner Rede zur Poesie. It was published by Wallstein Verlag.

Publications Translation

The Amme Talks

Reviews at The Paris Review and at Hyperallergic.

The Amme Talks is a conversation between poet and machine. In 2003, poet Ulf Stolterfoht and a chatbot named Amme (which means “wet nurse” in German) met in Berlin. For one week, Stolterfoht interrogated Amme: not just a chatbot, actually, but a steel-and-glass construction with a computer interface, which is connected to a glass of milk, a robotic arm that tips over the glass, and a tube that releases water, as if urinating.

The Amme Talks can be purchased from Triple Canopy.


Publishing as an Artistic Practice

I translated huge swaths of Publishing as an Artistic Practice, ed. Annette Gilbert, for Sternberg Press and MIT Press.


Honeysuckle Company – Spiritus

I translated a number of texts in this monograph for Bierke.


Altered States

I translated Altered States for Hatje Cantz

“The categorization of substances as luxury items, drugs, pharmaceuticals, hormones, or doping agents says a lot about our society and the ways it is controlled. A look at history shows that the social significance of a substance can alter: before the twentieth century many psychoactive substances were not regarded as dangerously addictive, but as a means to obtain pleasure or healing.

This volume presents the works of contemporary visual artists who have approached the theme via photography, video, sculpture, installation, and performance. They question society’s view of substances and the ways that they are dealt with, from their effects and potential to the relationship between individual freedom and collective responsibility, as well as the factors linking the distribution of substances, economic interests, black markets, and subcultures. The artists themselves discuss the topic in a variety of interviews.”


Michael Beutler

I translated text for this monograph published by les presses du réel